Have you ever thought you would have your dream job or have a better life if you were confident? Join us to discover useful tips to dispel feelings of self-doubt!
It is a fact that no one is confident from the moment they are born. It’s a trait that needs to be learned and developed over time. Psychologists have shown that, by applying some of the tips below, you can build your confidence.
1. Learn to accept compliments
We have different ways of reacting to compliments. Some people become shy and even deny them. This is the wrong way to respond to a compliment and it shows that you really are not confident at all. Besides, denying it can make the person complimenting you feel sad because it seems like you don’t really take their opinion seriously.
The best way to respond to a compliment is to smile sincerely and say thank you. Don’t assume the other person is trying to flatter you. You just have to believe that some of your qualities can be really attractive to others and you deserve that compliment.
2. Don’t try to be perfect at work
Look at your packed schedule: 20 calls to make, 10 meetings, answering dozens of emails and you’re spending every second doing them. But instead of being satisfied, you always feel disappointed because the results are not good enough, right?
When you set goals that are hard for you to achieve, you’re aiming for anxiety, not success. Successful people make similar mistakes and regret some past decisions. But then, they get lessons in these situations and can learn from them.
3. Look the other person in the eye when talking
You can detect a person’s mood and emotions by looking into their eyes. Babies look into their parents’ eyes to understand their emotions from the age of 9 months. And liars often look away to hide the fact that they are lying.
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When someone avoids eye contact, it means they are not confident. So, maintaining eye contact with people will help you win their trust and convince them that you’re honest.
4. Change your gait by straightening your back
A straight back, open gestures, and deliberate walking are signs of a confident person.
So keep your head up, keep your back straight, and look up instead of down. Everyone around will notice this and you will soon see the difference. Research shows that a confident person’s body language reduces their stress levels. Note right away to apply.
5. Don’t think about bad results
Controlling your thoughts is a difficult but very effective way to increase your self-confidence. Try to keep track of all the thoughts you have for a week, then write down all that are related to insecurity. Ask yourself this question, do I have any proof that I am really at risk? After you analyze your thoughts, you will realize that most of them are based on your imagination.
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When you do a negative analysis, you should also make a list of your positive qualities. You can read it every time you have a negative idea in your head to remind yourself that you have strengths too.
6. Get rid of negative thoughts
Similar to thinking about the bad things that could happen, if you constantly cover your mind with moodiness, more and more negative thoughts will appear. Maybe you had a great day, but before you go to bed, you start thinking about something bad. Your next day is sure to be bleak.
Just try to ignore these thoughts and consider the good things in life, you will feel better.
7. Mark your achievements
Keep an achievement diary and write down what you do every day. Remember, don’t just write down the really big things. Mark each step you take towards your goal, even if it seems small. For example, it could be eating oatmeal for breakfast to lose weight or when you finish reading a chapter of a book.
When you have more reasons to be proud of yourself, your confidence will improve.
8. Think of the perfect version of yourself
Every time you need courage, ask: What would a confident “me” do in this situation?
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You don’t have to go out and start talking to the hottest man on the street. Start with little things like: smile at a stranger, send out a CV you’ve been writing for a long time but hesitated and don’t think too much about the outcome. Being willing to take both risks and responsibilities is something that every confident person needs to do in life.
9. Start a conversation with strangers
You can go to an event where you don’t know anyone and try to play the part of a confident person. You’re certainly not an instant star (which is hard to do when you’re surrounded by strangers), but you’ll feel more confident later on.
Besides, try to initiate conversations with strangers in your daily life. Be friendly with the cashier or talk to the waiter in the cafe. Remember, this may not work for everyone. In case you feel uncomfortable, you don’t need to force yourself.
10. Offer to help others
The feeling that you know you have someone to help is really heartwarming. But in reality, we rarely can open our mouth to ask others freely, because we are afraid of disturbing others.
Therefore, if things are within your power, offer to help others. Helping others makes you feel important and useful. This will keep you from feeling insecure or alone.
11. Limit the use of social networks
Don’t look at pictures of people you know and compare them to yourself. This habit can seriously damage your confidence. Social media is where people compete for success. People only post their best pictures. Notice how few people take selfies at home in their pajamas.
Photo: Unsplash
Therefore, stop following accounts that only post flashy images. Instead, you should spend more time on yourself. Read a favorite book or go to the movies with your best friend, why not?
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