What am I doing?
Have you ever had to ask that question to yourself? Forgetting what you are doing is not uncommon in modern society. Whether it’s because you’re tired, sleepy, or anxious, it’s clear that distractions are becoming more common. So is there any way to fix this?
Fortunately, we don’t need to have great gifts or a special physicality to improve our focus. Scientists have drawn up the following 13 habits to help you improve your focus. Let’s see what they are:
1. Simplify work
Multi-tasking is not something that is too strange for us today. But the reality shows that the effect of this is not as much as its harm. The state of remembering and forgetting will make you always overloaded and unable to do your job well.
A study was done by Stanford University in 2009 on 100 of their students. The results show that up to half confirm that they are always multi-tasking. Tests to test concentration, memory, or the ability to switch from one job to another were far worse for these students than for the others. “They’re almost completely distracted,” said Clifford Nass, who conducted the study.
So if you can, make your job as simple as possible. A person who does many things at once and is not productive will never be appreciated as a person who does only one thing but is really good.
2. Sitting meditation
Don’t rush to think that this has anything to do with religion, because meditation is one of the very good methods to calm the mind and increase concentration. By meditating, you will be able to reduce the pressure in your mind and focus your thoughts in a better way.
A study at the University of North Carolina also found that students who meditated for 20 minutes a day for four consecutive days achieved significantly better results on cognitive tests.
3. Exercise regularly
Exercise is not only good for the body, it has the effect of boosting the “health” of the brain – which helps you think and of course focus. Many people are too busy to spend a little time exercising every day, but maybe they should give it some serious thought if they want to be able to concentrate better.
In particular, scientists believe that regular exercise effectively stimulates the production of a substance in the brain that improves memory and other brain functions.
4. Create To-do-list
A method that is not new but has never ceased to be effective at work. It’s not complicated at all, write down the things you need to do for the day, for the week on a piece of paper or anywhere you can observe regularly. That way you’ll always know what you need to do and what you’ve done.
This habit is especially useful for those who are really bad at remembering and concentrating. You will just need to look at the beginning and focus on what you need to do.
5. Try some coffee
Remember, it’s only ONE TIME. Whenever you fall into a tired state, find yourself a little coffee to be more alert and focused. This has been proven by science, not just the excuses of people who are addicted to coffee.
But if you go overboard a little, it will leave you in a state of restlessness, anxiety and, of course, loss of concentration.
6. Take a break
This is probably not new to most of us, although sometimes we get so absorbed in our work that we forget about it. Whether it’s watching funny videos, listening to music, going for a walk for a few minutes, … they are all extremely effective for the brain to find relaxation after its activity.
Proper breaks allow you to focus better, but getting caught up in it can make you forget what you’re doing. Try to control your resting time.
7. Only work on working time
Don’t be so workaholic that you bring them everywhere you go. Give your brain the right amount of time to rest so it can recover, and then maybe you’ll find a solution to the problems you’re having.
People have created separate working and resting periods so that everyone can have the best work productivity. So work during work hours, and relax with your family during breaks.
8. Train your brain to focus
In fact, the brain also has its own mechanism of action, and if you practice it, its ability to function and effectiveness will become much better.
There are many ways to practice concentration for the brain: using apps like Lumosity, Cogmed or even… playing games. But the effectiveness of these methods is being studied further before being officially recognized by science.
9. Find quiet places
Unfortunately, the more noise we are exposed to, the more distracting our bodies become. It may not be true for everyone (some people use sound to focus), but for most people, a quiet environment will help focus a lot.
You may not need to go to a quiet countryside to find your focus, but try to separate your work location from unnecessary noise.
10. Relax your eyes
It may sound a bit weird, but with the influence of today’s computers, relaxing your eyes is important in regaining focus for work. The reason is that digital screens will make our eyes tired if we spend too much time looking at them.
There are many ways to relax the eyes, but perhaps the most popular is still the way doctors give us since childhood. Whenever your eyes get tired, focus on a distant location. Look at it for about 10-20 seconds, before blinking continuously for about 10 seconds and continuing as in step 1. It will allow your eyes the relaxation time it deserves.
11. Sleep well
This habit is nothing special and nothing difficult to do. If you don’t know, the lack of sleep can cause long-lasting distracting symptoms and even physical weakness. So try to reward yourself with a good night’s sleep after a hard day’s work.
12. Offline
The Internet has so much information, so many things that attract and tempt us. It shouldn’t be surprising if you scroll through your Facebook tab every… a few minutes at work. Of course, it will distract you very, very much.
Turn off the Internet when you don’t need it, and make sure that even if you change tabs, Facebook or YouTube videos will not be able to distract you anymore.
13. Find yourself a process
Each person has a very unique way to find focus and efficiency at work. And if you do find it, make it your own process to apply when needed.
Start by finding a quiet place, then choose the most effective problem-solving method that you usually use,… Over time you will always have the necessary focus every time you use the process. own program.